Park County, Colorado

Our Mission: To promote a balanced, responsive continuum of behavioral/mental health services for all of Park County citizens.


The Park County Mental Health Alliance is a new organization founded to promote a balanced, responsive continuum of behavioral and mental health services for Park County residents.

PCMHA was formed by a core group of mental health professionals and volunteers dedicated to creating a strong, multidisciplinary, multiagency diverse group that can provide backing to advocate for improvements in county mental health services.

The PCMHA works in partnership with Rocky Mountain Rural Health and the Colorado Health Foundation. RMRH is acting as a fiscal agent for securing grants offered by CHF.

Update your contact information

If you have Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) and you’ve moved within the last 3 years, make sure you can get important information about your health coverage.

You have to respond to letters to see if you still qualify for health coverage. Those letters go to your address or email, so it is important that your contact information is up to date.

Updating your address, phone number, and email is quick and easy. You can update your information in one of these ways:

Important Resources:
Colorado Crisis Services Hotline
Available 24/7..........844-493-8255
Text the word “TALK” to.........38255


Local Resources


We know finding resources can be harder in remote mountain communities. We aim to make as many as we can easily reachable through our website.